The idea behind the Giving Bars is simple: Fuel your body - Help the world!

Every bar is OM Guarantee certified to ensure that a specific social impact takes place and is recorded on the blockchain.

Your purchase will either provide a vegan meal to a child in need, plant a tree, or feed a rescued animal. You decide how much impact you wish to make! Get the energy you need and help make a difference with Organic Energy Giving Bars.


Food For Life Global is the largest VEGAN Food Relief organization. They´re primary mission is to “create peace & prosperity in the world through liberal distribution of pure plant-based meals prepared with loving intentions” They have stayed true to their mission and distributed close to 8 billion vegan meals - more meals than any other food relief agency in the world. 

Promoting a plant based diet is they're way to change the world's view on destructive food production practices.  

Food for life has a presence on all the continents and their reach is constantly expanding. Food for life South Africa has its headquarters in Durban and works in more than 25 cities with a mission of creating a hunger-free South Africa. 

This makes it the leading humanitarian organization in the country and was described by Nelson Mandela as the embodiment of “Masakhane” — let us build together. 


Juliana's Animal Sanctuary advocates for a non-violent world through advocating for veganism and promoting equality for all beings. They set an inspiring example of animal care for rescued domestic and farm animals through first class caring and advocacy. Juliana and her team have rescued more than 700 animals of all kinds. The sanctuary has grown and has become an organization that not only rescues animals, but has strong educational programs to change the way people see animals. 

Juliana has managed to take the sanctuary to an international level so that everyone knows the situation of the animals in South America and is aware that these animals need help. Juliana's Animal Sanctuary has since become a non-profit entity registered in the United States.

Juliana still devotes her life to the sanctuary, where she lives with some volunteers, rescuing and taking care of rescued animals, giving talks on a national and international level, and bringing the reality of animals that are used as food to schools and other entities. Juliana will not rest until everyone knows the reality that the animals used for food go through, and she continues to teach respect for all beings to all the human hearts she encounters.